Posts tagged Commercial Branding
5 Ways We Take The Weirdness Out of Photoshoots in Public Spaces
branding photography in public

Well, that was awkward...

Have you ever wanted to take pictures in a public space but worried it would be awkward?

Here are 5 ways we take the weirdness out of shooting in public...

1. Do your research.

If you have worked with us before, you know we love a good strategic plan for shoot day.

Knowing where you want to go and what you want photos of will speed up the entire process.

I like to start by looking for locations on Instagram.

You can get a good idea of how the space photographs.

Plus a cafe, bar, shop, that has an active social media account gets what you're trying to do and will be way more receptive to letting you use their space if you tag them in a post or two.

2. Give yourself some space.

If you choose a location that's super crowded, not only will you not have room to move around and get a variety of pictures, but we will probably be invading other people's space too.

Try to find a location that has lots of room.

If it's indoors try to get near a window for the best light.

Or even better year, find a space with outdoor seating.

3. Be a giver not a taker

If you are in a location that is selling something.

Buy something.

If it's a Cafe, order food and drinks.

If it's a store, buy something ( you could even use it as a giveaway to grow your social media).

Just remember the more you give the more you get.

4. Be discrete and quick

I always try to get in and out of a location as quickly and professionally as I can.

Don't bring lots of lights or other gear.

I like to slip my mirrorless camera into a big purse and leave the rest of my kit behind.

Have a shot list and get to work.

The more time and space you take up, the more onlookers you will have.

If you are in a cafe, while waiting for your order, get some lifestyle shots and work on the computer shots.

Use the extra time to get whatever pictures you can and plan what you will get when your order arrives.

5. Know when to ask permission (and how to ask)

Ok here is the thing.

I am always going to recommend you get permission before shooting at any location.

But if you ask the wrong way, there is a huge chance you will never get a response.

If you ask making it sound like a big commercial production, they are going to say no (or never respond at all because they are waiting to get the ok from corporate and it all gets lost in the chain of command).

Just say, "Hey, is it ok if we take a few pictures for social media?"

That's not a lie and you are much more likely to get yes.

Just make sure to avoid logos and other companies' brands in your pictures.

We’re taking new clients RIGHT NOW! If you’re ready, you have to click here and take the next step.

How Branding Applies to Virtually Everything

Its a sexy idea that makes business fun.

Branding is an ancient concept.

When you think about stories of business and politics in ancient times, you will inevitably come across stories of people who care about what other people think about them.

Its human nature to have an emotional response to what someone says about you.

You'd be lying if you said, "I don't care what people think".

And don't bring that Gary Vee ra-rah stuff around here.

He cares too. (It's just one of the many oxymoronic things he says)

But don't get it twisted. I'm a huge fan and follower. He just has his moments.


I digress...

Branding helps our mind simplify our emotions.

At our core, we make spit decisions to survive.

And we do this using confirmation bias.

Branding leverages this confirmation bias at a subconscious level.


Victoria's Secret.

Bed Bath and Beyond.



Ruth Chris Steakhouse.

Without prompting you with pictures or statements you had an image pop into your head didn't you.

Now based on what you put in your mind via the internet, news, movies, television, church and conversations with friends and family, you developed how you feel about each of these things.

Your brain is incredible.

It takes millions and millions of data points and arrives at a decision.

A decision to live or to die.

(well that escalated quickly LOL)

That's as simple as things really are for humans.

Branding is literally everything.

But that's an overwhelming thought though.

Let's talk just about photography and you can help people do more living shall we? LOL!

Branding photography is how YOU can control confirmation bias of your business.

And CONTROL the subconscious feeling people have when they hear your name, the name of your business.

And of course, how they feel when they SEE YOU, or YOUR BUSINESS.

Notice I've been talking a lot about feelings....

Here's why....

The buyer in us is no more than 10 years old....

We're impulsive.

We want things just because.


We don't need to understand it. We just want it and we don't know why!

When you have intention in your branding you get to tell everyone's 10 year old self that, "hey! this is cool! And you're not cool if you don't get this!"

You may not feel this way on the surface, but I can guarantee you that your subconscious self is feeling it.

If you want people to feel happy about your brand, show them happy pictures.

If you want people to feel empowered about your brand, show them empowerment.

That's a simple as it needs to be.

That's why with our photography, we always get to know what you do, what your business does and what message you want to communicate.

Because after you communicate that to us, we can effectively use our time together to create photography that creates a loyal, consistent, predictable customer base.

Wouldn't it be nice to continue moving forward with your business with people like us who use a marketing first approach to branding photography?

We know we'd love to work with you too!

Check out our pricing guide to learn more (CLICK HERE)

How to Make Old; New Again

Modern photography is unlike anything else in history.

The competition for the attention of ONE personal seems to have no end in sight.

Human beings are constantly over stimulated...

Take driving a car, for example, it’s so overwhelming on the senses.

You're late for school...

...the kids are screaming in the back.

People are honking at each other... and not you.

All while you're mentally preparing for that big presentation you have later in the day!

Sound a little too familiar?

It's crazy to be alive right now because technology is growing exponentially and many of us were alive to see the beginning.

So what's next?

How do you take old, but high converting, advertising principles and make them new for a modern, authentic visual marketing message?

The answer... is a Bridgetown Story Session.

Simply, this is our personal branding photography package and one of the reasons why you should be following us here, on Instagram and YouTube...

We want to help you out so much that we're creating and releasing content daily for you...

Please subscribe!!!

Now onto the content...

High Converting Ad Principle #1


There must be congruency from message to offer.

If you’re offering a high value package, the marketing message should convey the same message.

Photography today can mimic this principle by taking content from the same shoot and use it across many different marketing channels and social platforms.

High Converting Ad Principle #2

Clearly defined value.

Since we’re on the topic of value, let’s chat about having a solid value proposition.

A value proposition can also be known as an irresistible offer.

Professionally planned images can easily convey the right message.

This is done by showing the quality of the manufacturing process or by capturing a memorable customer service experience.

High Converting Ad Principle #3

Emotion driven messaging.

We’ve known since the beginning of time that a human's emotion drives them to action.

Do you have a song that reminds you of something that happened in your life? Like a wedding song? Or a first kiss?

That's what happens when you create imagery that's relevant and familiar to your audience in today's modern world.


There is ONE problem...

Never before have humans been able to create video and digital photography with ease.

You have full multi-media studios in your pocket now.

Everyone can create high converting images now...

Or can they?

Because when a true artist picks up a camera... you notice the difference.


It's because a professional can create a emotion driven image that's congruent and has a clearly defined value proposition in an artistic way.

What is a Bridgetown Story Session?

Just imagine having 90 days of professional, authentic, photography with targeted messaging to use in your social media campaigns.

Imagine never having to worry about images for advertising because you have branding and unique pictures at your disposal.

Increase your customer's confidence in you because your messaging is congruent across your website, social media presence and advertising.

If this makes sense to you then let's make sure to have a conversation about it.

Have you gotten your FREE CUSTOMER SUCCESS PROFILE PDF? Subscribe to our newsletter and get it sent to your best email.


Schedule a time to chat (503) 383-9159 or email


Mark Gubuan

Studio Manager and Director of Funk

BP - Email Newsletter - Signature Image - Mark - 2019.08.03.jpg

P.S. When you subscribe to our newsletter, you get notified FIRST of discounts and booking slots.


Is Personal Branding Photography Right for You?

Personal branding photography is an investment that can help your business improve its marketing and advertising.

If you’re wondering if you should spend the money, then read the 3 criteria that we’ve identified that will help you make this decision an easy one.

The 3 Criteria You Need to Know When Deciding if Personal Branding Photography is Right for You

Criteria 1 | Your Face is the Face of the Business

Think Oprah Winfrey or Tony Robbins. When you think of their names, you immediately have a perception of what their values are, how they’ve inspired you, how they’ve influenced you and most importantly, you have some kind of emotional response to hearing name or SEEING their face.




If you’re in an industry where your face is what’s primarily seen in advertising or your marketing, then absolutely you need personal branding photography.

Criteria 2 | You Are in A Trust Based Industry

Personal branding photography taken by a professional photographer helps you INSTANTLY create trust with potential clients.

Have you ever just come across a business or a person that just seem a little “off”? Well that’s what happens when you don’t have a clean, professional, UPDATED group of marketing materials.

Just a few off the top of my head are insurance, real estate, accounting, financial planners, life coaches and personal trainers to name a few.

Criteria 3 | You’ve Never Had it Done or Need a Refresh

As I was alluding to in the last second, there’s a trust issue when someone doesn’t “look like” the person in the pictures when they meet them in real life.

You might be accidentally “catfishing” and that’s not a good look for you.

Or if you’re new or just haven’t taken the plunge yet, then do it. You’ll find that people immediately see that you’re taking your business to the next stage.

This bodes well for you because people want to work with people who do well in life and in business.


Bonus Criteria | You Have a Website or Social Media Account

It’s a given these days that its a requirement to have a website and social media account and when it comes to personal branding photography this is where the rubber meets the road.

Content is king.

Personal branding photography is the key to the kingdom.

However there is one problem….

How do you stand out from the crowd if everyone is doing professional photography?

The solution is simple.

You invest in story branding photography.

Story branding photography, even if everyone does it, still allows you to be different.


Because no one can be you. Period.

You can be the best and most authentic and genuine version of yourself and that’s powerful.

Want to learn more about this?

Check out Bridgetown Story Sessions right here

Take Care,

Mark Gubuan

Studio Manager and Director of Funk

BP - Email Newsletter - Signature Image - Mark - 2019.08.03.jpg

P.S. Do you want to create a high converting marketing message? Check out our FREE Customer Success Profile PDF here.

How to Create Story Telling Photographs That Sell


Winning at marketing means you’re selling more stuff.

Who doesn’t want more of that?!

A winning marketing message is one that has these 5 things:

  1. Emotional Connection

  2. Clear Call to Action

  3. Talks About ONLY ONE Thing

  4. Creates Trust

  5. Talks About the Benefit (directly/indirectly)


The right planning eliminates the day of the shoot frustrations that come with poor planning.

The first thing you should do is map out the context of the story.

Set the stage for where our characters are going to be set.

Write out any defining emotions you want to achieve from certain plot points.

Lastly, create an open hook pulling your perfect client in... (HINT: This makes the whole process easier when you get this right)


One of the reasons for prepping so thoroughly is so that you can plan to have everything you need to create that high converting story.

FINALLY! You can feel like you’re doing something right.

Now that you’re at the day of the shoot, you have your message at the top of your mind and you’ve written out exactly what you want to capture.

Time to execute.

Here are some recommended supplies:

  1. DSLR Camera

  2. Continuous Lighting

  3. Props

  4. Reflectors

With these foundational items, you should be able to complete your photo shoot.

Now I know that everyone has varying degrees of experience shooting pictures...

And you are probably more than capable of pulling something like this off. 

But if you’re like me, you know that your time is spent best doing the things you know you’re great at....

...and get amazing results doing it...

Taking high converting photos might not be the best use of your time....

Because you’re going to have to deal with the learning curve, the frustration of lighting, framing the right shot...

And so many other nuances...

Luckily, we have a solution for you...

It’s called Bridgetown Story Sessions!

To be the first to learn about this Call (503) 383-9159 to talk to Jess and get the details.